A Happy Rabbit is a Healthy Rabbit. Tips and Topics on Rabbit Health Issues
Ok, so you have decided to bring a furry little friend into your life. You will need to know some basic rabbit health issues.
The first thing I did was to have my boys neutered. This helps with behavioral problems. Altered rabbits are less aggressive, less likely to urineinate all over your house (marking their territory) and less likely to have the unwanted sexual behaviors.
Altered rabbits are also healthier, better-adjusted pets. You also will not have unwanted litters.
I have and had all male rabbits. So for my rabbit's health I had them all neutered. Some people told me two boys would fight! Not mine; since I had them altered they were friends. Petie and Oreo were best of buds.
If you find your rabbit or rabbits at a shelter they may already be an altered rabbit. Most shelters spray or neuter their animals to prevent unwanted litters. So the price you pay is an excellent price. Most importantly you are saving a rabbits life.
Find a bunny veterinarian. This is very important. Your rabbit's health is important! Find a vet who knows and treats rabbits. Not a vet who thinks they know how to treat a rabbit. There is a difference.
Ask questions. Ask how many rabbits they have treated. I found it's usually the veterinarians that handle exotic pets and small animals that are the ones who know how to treat and operate (if needed) on rabbits.
You can check the Rabbit Originations in your area for a recommendation. Try House Rabbit Society or ARAB websites.
Also, check your local yellow pages of the phonebook for listings that state rabbits, exotic pets, or small animals. Usually they will note they treat these types of animals in their advertisement.
House rabbits do not need vaccinations as dogs and cats do. A yearly check-up just to make sure your buddy is in tip-top shape is good. A happy rabbit is a healthy rabbit.
Sometimes I take my rabbits to the vet to have their nails trimmed. You wouldn't need to make an appointment to see the doctor, just say you need your rabbit's nails trimmed. The staff at your vet's office will handle the trimming at a reasonable price.
If you feel confident enough, you can also trim your rabbits nails yourself. I do trim Oreo's nails. I trim a little at a time to make sure I do not trim too close to the quick and make the nail bleed. (The pinkish vein in the nail) You will need to trim once a month or so.
Rabbit Health - Know These Signs of Illness
House rabbits like to hide their signs of illnesses. Due to the fact this is a sign of weakness and weakness in the wild makes them an easy target. Rabbits are prey animals for food.
So you will need to watch your rabbit for signs of distress. Here are some signs that need medical attention.
Difficulty breathing
Discharge from noise or eyes
Head Shaking
Ear Scratching
Poor coat, excessive hair loss
Loss of appetite
Weight Loss
These are all signs that your house rabbit may be sick. Call your vet so you can have your rabbit checked out as soon as possible.
House rabbits are less likely to become sick than rabbits kept outdoors. Since they are in a safer, cleaner environment. But there is always a chance. So be aware of the signs.
Heatstroke- A Major Rabbit Health Issue
Another rabbit health issue is heatstroke. Bunny rabbits are very susceptive to heatstroke. So it's very important to keep them cool in the hot summer months.
I buy the "blue-ice" that is the heavy blue plastic you freeze to use in your cooler. I have a few of these and place one on the floor in Oreo's room. When he's hot he will lay next to it to keep cool.
I change the "blue-ice", as I call it, as needed. As soon as the 'blue-ice" is just cool, I replace it with a frozen one.
This is the same with outdoor rabbits. They must stay cool in the hot summer months.
When the temperature is 80 degrees a rabbit is in danger of heatstroke.
If you have your rabbit in an outside cage make sure the cage is in the shade as well as giving him something cool to lie against.
If you can't find the "blue-ice" take a 2-liter soda bottle filled with water and freeze them. Then place a frozen bottle in your rabbit's cage. Your rabbit will lie next to the bottle to keep cool.
Heatstroke can be fatal.
Signs of heatstroke
Rapid breathing
Lying in a stretched out position and panting
Wet nose and mouth
If your rabbit shows signs of heatstroke call your vet. Wrap your bunny in cool damp towels, even his ears. If conscious, offer him cool, fresh water. Then rush him to the doctors.
Rabbit health is very important to your little friend. He cannot tell you verbally what is wrong with him. So he is depending on you to keep him healthy. Know the signs of illness and find a bunny doctor. Rabbit health is important to your little friend.
Rabbit Health - Also Read About Rabbit Nutrition
Click here for more information on health issues.
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